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Source file : zip_with_many_files.adb

--  File:            Zip_with_many_files.adb
--  Description:     Demo/test: stuff a large number of files into a .zip file
--  Date/version:    27-Apr-2016; 25-Feb-2010
--  Author:          Gautier de Montmollin

with Zip_Streams;                       use Zip_Streams;
with Zip.Compress;
with Zip.Create;                        use Zip.Create;

with Ada.Strings.Fixed;                 use Ada.Strings.Fixed;

procedure Zip_with_many_files is
  stream  : aliased File_Zipstream;
  archive : Zip_Create_info;

  procedure Add_one_entry(file_name: String; rep: Natural) is
      Info              => archive,
      Contents          => "..." & rep * ("Hello! My name is: """ & file_name & '"' & ASCII.LF),
      Name_in_archive   => file_name
  end Add_one_entry;

  Create(archive, stream'Unchecked_Access, "", Zip.Compress.Deflate_1);
  for i in 1..65_535 loop
      "Entry #" & Integer'Image(i) & ".txt",
      Integer'Max(0, i / 100 - 10)  --  Obtain a certain number of incompressible entries.
  end loop;
end Zip_with_many_files;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.